Start Early to reach your Goal- A lesson from Youngest Digital Marketer Ishu Preet Singh

With the progress of 21st century, we all are part of ‘Digital Revolution.’ The one who have understood the importance of ‘Digital World’ can create a wave in the industry.

Ishu Preet Singh is a one such Youngest Digital Entrepreneur. He started early at the age of 12 understanding the concepts of digital marketing. When normal kid is engrossed in his studies, Ishu Preet Singh took the initiative and started his own company Smartercircle when he was only 16.

Now, he is the CEO of the company and working in this domain since 2016. He has come a long way and established himself as a competent digital marketer.

He has made quite an impression. He has worked with top actors and artists as a digital entrepreneur.

Achieving so much at such a young age is his dream come true. It was dream to start his own company and make a mark with his work. He was able to accomplish his dream with the same.

He worked hard and moved around, but his heart was still at his mother land Kashmir.

He believes, ‘His goals was to change the thinking of people especially those are from Kashmir, where they think study is a big thing. Now, with his success he has proved with skills you can do any thing and can earn much better. He further adds ‘Degrees doesn’t matter for me’

‘I am just 16 years and earning much better from any job.’

As we all know behind the success journey of man there is one gal for Ishu it was his soulmate Mir Xainab. He said without support of her it was impossible to reach at peak.

With his high name and good work, he gets the opportunity to work with many clients.Now he is planning to do a big big collaborations with top top artists of industry and very much focused on how to make himself recognized in industry.

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