Stand Out from the Crowd! | Advice from Aaron Regev, Sales Manager of Total Home Protection

Standing out from the crowd, whether from a business standpoint or personal standpoint, is in the forefront of every entrepreneur’s mind! And rather than too little information on it, the advice out there is often too overwhelming with just how diverse it is.

Today, we interview Aaron Regev, who has some wise words to share for those who want to make themselves an indispensable part of any team!

Thanks for accepting our request for an interview Aaron! Why don’t we start easy with a short introduction?

Aaron Regev: No problem at all! My name is Aaron Regev, I work as a sales manager at Total Home Protection (THP) which is a home warranty company that was founded by our CEO, David Seruya, mid-2016. When compared to other companies in the market, THP is perhaps more of an up-and-comer company rather than a seasoned company, but that doesn’t mean that the people we have onboard aren’t experienced! Our CEO, just as an example (he’s a highly inspirational guy, there are lots to admire him for) probably knows more about the industry than anyone else. He’s really good at bringing forth new ideas that reinvent the wheel of what can sometimes be (innovation-wise) a slow-moving industry.

What projects have you been working on recently? Anything new that our readers should be keeping an eye on?

Aaron Regev: Well, one of our core values here at Total Home Protection is to make sure that we are supporting our customers to the best of our abilities. We treat their pain as if it were our own — as if it were our family’s own, so that we know that are always at the mindset to do them right.

In accordance with these values, we try to consistently come up with new and innovative ways to support them better than before — every single day. As an example of this, one of our recent projects, we’re doing our best to answer to the rise of customer demand and the lack of manpower (both as a direct result of the global pandemic) by introducing automation into our systems. In that way, we’re able to handle larger volumes while ensuring that our processes remain easy and comfortable for our customers to follow.

To help us paint a clearer picture of what’s going on behind the scenes at Total Home Protection. How exactly did the pandemic affect the way that you do business?

Aaron Regev: The effect of the pandemic on Total Home Protection is varied. The large influx of new business is, of course, highly positive for us — as much as we would have liked to have seen growth more naturally (seeing as the increase of customers have come as a result of consumers everywhere staying in their homes longer than ever before and growing anxious about how their appliances and systems will hold up) we have done everything we can to make sure that we are still devoted to safeguarding our customers’ interest in all aspects of our service.

Shifting our attention back to you now. Can you tell us the story of how you were able to find yourself in your current position at Total Home Protection?

Aaron Regev: In the early days of Total Home Protection, I had actually just been recently left unemployed. The old company that I was working for had failed and so I was forced to look for a new job that would be able to help support my family. This, and my long history in sales, is what ultimately brought me to working with THP — where my initial focus had been on training up the existing sales team to be better and much more efficient at their job.

What was it like for you to experience the home warranty industry for the first time?

Aaron Regev: It was tough, definitely. There was a lot that I needed to learn in order to make sure that I was an indispensable part of the team. In those early days, I did all I could to brush up on my knowledge of the industry and just about everything else I needed to know to be able to be good at my job. And, with the grace of God and the perseverance instilled in me by my parents, I was able to find the success I was looking for in the industry.

To finish us off. Do you have any advice to give to others who may find themselves in a similar situation as you?

Aaron Regev: If you find yourself in a new environment, be proactive. Take in what they teach you, of course. But, even more than that, take the initiative to learn the things that they don’t. As I’m sure a lot of entrepreneurs can attest to, the business world is very competitive. And, unless you can prove that you have what it takes to keep moving forward, to keep improving, you might just find yourself unable to stand out from the rest of the crowd. 

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