There are plenty of things you can do to manage eczema and prevent it flaring up. Besides using a quality, natural eczema cream such as Grahams Natural, what else can you do? We take a look at some other ways to manage this skin issue.
At normal levels, Candida (a type of fungus that grows in the gut by feeding on sugar) is not problematic in any way. However, Candida overgrowth can cause conditions such as eczema, yeast infections, acne, and so on. This is because of the fact that by-products of Candida can attack any system or organ in your body and cause problems.
The influence of gut health on humans is still being debated in medical societies and that is the major reason why the protocols at American clinics ignore it. Avoid coffee, sugar, gluten (pastries or bread), black teas, fruits, sweet types of vegetables (red and yellow) as they can negatively affect your gut health. Be careful with sauces, nuts, seafood, and red meat.
It is very important to avoid constipating. Also, remember to create and follow a morning routine. I know it sounds like there is nothing you can eat. However, on most of the days, you can manage it, it will reward you. Just ask me what my meals look like.
Sleep Better at Night and Relieve Stress
To sleep better at night and relieve stress, you will have to sacrifice some things and think of ways to manage time and your work. Anxiety and stress cause eczema to flare up as your body releases adrenaline and cortisol when you are stressed. Overproduction of cortisol can suppress the immune system and cause an inflammatory response in your skin.
People living with skin conditions such as eczema tend to be susceptible to this inflammatory response. As such, it is good to ensure that you sleep better at night. To reduce your anxieties, talk to your friends, meditate, distract yourself with something pleasant, relax, and walk. If you are too stressed in the office, consider talking to your manager about it. You need to do something. Always remember that your health should always be your number one priority. So, do everything possible to make sure you are healthy.
Since I am not a doctor, I am not going to write a full list of what I used. However, I have done extensive research on Candida treatment and this has helped me a lot. You can contact me so that I can tell you about the full treatment I prescribed to myself. I highly recommend a basic anti-Candida complex like “Candex” by Pure and “Candida Support” by Now Foods which you can find at iHerb.
I also recommend coconut oil, shea butter, and emu oil as a topical treatment. If you are itching badly, consider buying Hydrocortisone cream 1% at CVS or C+ eczema and dermatitis cream.
Clean Your Room
I am very serious, but you may be allergic to dust. Just declutter your place. Wash your bed sheets on a regular basis and let fresh air into your room as often as you can. And since your carpet collects lots of dust, vacuum it to ensure that your room is always clean.