Coconut Kitty is Not Your Typical Social Media Star

Artist, entrepreneur, model, photographer- what can’t she do?

When it comes to social media in the world today, it’s easy to get caught up in trying tirelessly to gain followers, pump out content that other people expect you to post, and create a somewhat false persona of yourself for all of the world to see online. Often times, this becomes more challenging the more followers an individual has, as a higher number of followers brings more expectations, more judgments, and more pressure.

This is something that artist, influencer, and entrepreneur Coconut Kitty knows as well as anyone; however, she has always worked and continues to work against these ideals despite her increasingly large following of nearly 3 million Instagram followers. Coconut Kitty’s art consists mostly of paintings, poetry, and digital photographs that she models in, shoots, and produces herself. Since beginning to share more of her life on social media 5 years ago, she has grown her following to nearly 5 million people across her various social media platforms collectively.

Coconut Kitty first started creating art and writing about 12 years ago, and she had her first art show in 2013. Since then, she has accumulated more than 200 paintings and poems. With these, she has compiled her work into a coffee table book that will be debuting in the middle months of 2021. Her online fan base took off five years ago, but she continues to interact with her followers through her social media. She shares a lot about her creative, spiritual journey and how her inward journey has taken her further than her outward journey. Her journey with spirituality is also clear in much of her artistic work, as the psychedelic, naive style art is nothing short of vibrant and entrancing.

Coconut Kitty credits much of her success in the social media and creative space to this inward-thinking mindset. Instead of comparing herself to others in the same industry, she focuses on staying true to who she is and being grateful for every step of the artistic process. In fact, she always knew that her art would be a success because she stays true to her core values and doesn’t allow outside criticism to affect the way she expresses herself.

The star believes it’s most important to do what you love and turn that into a revenue-earning business. She believed that if she just had fun and expressed herself through her art, people would take notice and the universe would find a way to make it profitable. Well, she had the right idea. Coconut Kitty now has a very profitable business of her own as the CEO of Coconut Kitty Corp, which comprises her OnlyFans profile of more than 7,000 paying subscribers, her brand work on Instagram, and her promotional services for other models in the industry.

Coconut Kitty’s hard work and dedication to her own unique principles is what has made her such a huge success. Overall, she wants to be known for inspiring others, sharing wisdom, and being a role model who lives her life according to her own beliefs. We can’t wait to see what this one-of-a-kind talent has in store for 2021. Keep your eyes out for Coconut Kitty and her breathtaking work.

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