Building Resilience: The Mindset Shift Vicky Regan Uses to Drive Adaptive Leadership

Leadership is not just about achieving career milestones but about cultivating resilience and adaptability to thrive in an ever-changing landscape. Vicky Regan, PCC, CEC brings an abundance of experience in technology and business leadership, with over 25 years invested in mastering adaptive leadership through mindset shifts. Today, she leads Hone Leadership, a company dedicated to equipping leaders and organizations with the tools to embrace change and unlock their full potential.

For many, the journey into leadership is centered around promotions, accolades, and career accomplishments. However, Vicky realized that leadership has little to do with simply climbing the corporate ladder. True growth, she found, came from helping others achieve their success. This epiphany shifted her focus from advancing her own career to contributing to the growth and development of others. Her experience in mentoring and leadership development showed her how guidance and support can provide a crucial boost to an individual’s career. This passion for empowering others became the catalyst for founding Hone Leadership, where Vicky now dedicates her work to helping people cultivate a growth mindset.

A pivotal factor in Vicky’s leadership philosophy is resilience. She believes that adaptive leaders are those who, when confronted with challenges, choose not to back down but to grow and evolve through them. As Vicky puts it, resilience is about embracing uncertainty and learning to thrive when things don’t go according to plan. 

Through Hone Leadership, Vicky works with individuals and organizations to embed this mindset, guiding them with confidence and purpose through uncertain times. Her coaching focuses on helping leaders show up authentically, make strategic decisions, and take action aligned with their core values. By building resilience, Vicky equips her clients with the tools to navigate complex situations, adapt to change, and create meaningful impact in both their careers and organizations.

At Hone Leadership, Vicky offers a range of services designed to help leaders and teams develop resilience and adaptability. Her one-on-one coaching sessions provide personalized guidance for individuals navigating career transitions, leadership challenges, and mindset development. Additionally, she works with organizations to empower their teams through tailored group coaching programs and leadership development workshops. These programs foster collaboration, build leadership capabilities, and create a culture of continuous growth within organizations.

Vicky’s work is deeply rooted in the belief that leadership is more than just managing—it’s about leading with purpose, authenticity, and resilience. She teaches her clients that while change is inevitable, their response to it defines their success. Adaptive leadership requires a mindset that embraces change rather than fears it, using it as a catalyst for growth. Through this approach, Vicky helps her clients become more confident, effective leaders, prepared to navigate whatever challenges come their way.

In a nutshell, through her work at Hone Leadership, Vicky has transformed countless careers by helping individuals unlock their full potential and lead with resilience. Her philosophy is simple: change is a choice, and when leaders choose to embrace it, they can create lasting, meaningful success. Vicky Regan continues to inspire a new generation of leaders—leaders who are not only adaptive but resilient, capable of thriving in the face of any challenge. By building resilience and shifting mindsets, Vicky is shaping the future of leadership, one leader and organization at a time.

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