Bryce Cleveland: CEO of SCALPA Rags To Riches

From living behind a McDonald’s in his car at age 16 to multi-million-dollar business beauty mogul, Bryce Cleveland has recreated the way thousands learn in the aesthetics beauty industry. CEO of the largest only training beauty and product company called SCALPA, Bryce has tapped into a market that has grown globally. “Cut the bullshit and long process of learning things you don’t need to,” Bryce says,” we’ve streamlined learning and the path to immediate success.”

I had the chance to visit Bryce Cleveland in Arizona, and it was quite the experience. His day consisted of non-stop phone ringing, high energy, motivational zoom calls, and global market leaders. It was quite exhausting and never left his house. “Time isn’t on our side, my job is to plug you people in so they can get right to the earning part,” Bryce says, “if I show you how to get fulfillment from what you do, your work becomes your haven, and you never work a day in your life.”

Just sitting next to him and watching how he moves and talks to people, closing deals, and maneuvering through meetings was quite inspiring. “Entrepreneurship isn’t taught, it’s caught, I’ve created a community and environment for people to catch it,” Bryce says, “when you find your passion and you get clear on exactly what you want, you get out of your own way and the windfall of success flows.”

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