Attention, Business Leaders! How to Announce Your Business Achievement Award Win

As many entrepreneurs and business owners already know, winning business achievement awards is a great way to give your company a leg up on the competition. To make the most of these accomplishments, however, it’s necessary to raise the public’s awareness of the award that you’ve won as much as possible.

The following best practices ensure your enterprise’s achievement in business won’t get overlooked. Here’s how to level up your company’s profile.

Business achievement awards, explained

Many organizations offer recognition programs that identify and acknowledge outstanding businesses. These range from the hyper-local, like the competition sponsored by your own alma mater’s college of business or city’s Chamber of Commerce, to the global, like those run by international concerns.

There are leader awards for every aspect of business administration, including marketing, graphic design, technological innovation, and transformative entrepreneurship. Trade associations for different industries, from PR and marketing to manufacturing and environmental business, often offer prizes. All kinds of contributor awards also exist for writing of various sorts.

Sometimes, nominees are put through an initial vetting process, whittling the candidates down to a group of finalists. In these cases, final awards are announced only after a second or subsequent vote. Sometimes, an independent committee of judges determines the winners, while other times, it’s a jury of industry experts. In general, the more difficult it is to win a given honor, the more prestige adheres to it.

No matter what kind of business award you win, however, they are all worthy of being celebrated, and award winners are rightly proud.

The benefits of winning business awards

When a company earns an accolade, it provides proof of its excellence. This impresses potential customers, who tend to flock to your front door. Indeed, a recent study shows that earning an achievement award can translate not only into improved sales but also into higher levels of employee morale. Revenue numbers may be adjusted accordingly!

To best take advantage of your win, however, it’s necessary to raise awareness of this important accomplishment as much as you can.

Level One: Display the award

Many recognition programs give some kind of physical award to the ultimate winner and runners-up. In some cases, this is a trophy. In others, it may be a certificate, a plaque, or even a lapel pin.

If you can, physically display this signifier of your win at your main location in a prominent spot. For instance, winners of Paris’s contest for the best bakeries and restaurants have the right to display a laurel wreath in their front windows and doors, alerting passersby to the title they have won as well as the year. When you know you’re walking past the region’s best croissant, it’s hard not to stop in and order one!

In addition, don’t forget to display your trophy online. Take a photo or video of it and put it right on your website’s home page so visitors can’t miss it.

Next, send out a newsletter or email to your existing customers announcing the award. Be sure to thank them for their patronage. This will cement their good feelings about your business and encourage their future loyalty.

Level Two: Talk to the media

If you, your team, or your business has earned recognition for excellence, then members of the media may become interested and reach out to do an interview. Don’t fumble this pass! Any time a journalist is interested in your business, you should make yourself available, even if it means postponing the work you already had queued up for that day. Think of this media coverage as advertising you don’t have to pay for.

When you win an award, the time is also right to send out a press release. These may be made quickly and easily; a few short paragraphs explaining what award your business won, when, and how the contest worked suffices. Including a quote from a relevant company spokesperson is also standard practice.

If your alma mater has a magazine that recognizes former students’ achievements, don’t forget to send a copy of the press release to its editor. These publications love to spotlight graduates who have obtained capstone awards!

Level Three: Throw a party

Consider a more advanced option, as well: hosting a celebratory event and inviting the public. Send invitations to all of your loyal customers and tell them they can bring their friends! 

Think of this party as a great chance to raise awareness in the community at large. Indeed, it’s a natural, organic form of experiential marketing. What better way to forge positive connections between your brand and local school and community groups?

If you do decide to host a party or other event, don’t forget to send out a media advisory. This is a simple half-page statement that invites journalists to attend and clearly delineates the who, what, when, where, and why of the celebration.

Level up with business awards in 2025

Winning an award is a great way to raise your company’s profile both locally and globally. Feel the thrill of victory and enjoy the unique advantages that winning brings. That’s why you should make applying to these contests your own personal project in 2025!

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