Ambitious Liam Dineen on a mission to achieve ultimate dream

Humans often become afraid of dreaming big, but Liam Dineen has no problem doing that. The music producer is using the valuable lessons he has learned on his journey so far to drive him towards new levels of success. We find out all about his goals and how he stays motivated.

Ambitious dream

Every person across the world has dreams – but very few truly go after them and turn the vision into a reality.

Music producer Liam Dineen, from Birmingham in the UK, is pulling out all of the stops to reach new levels of success.

In ten years, the 33-year-old sees himself hopefully still doing what he enjoys. But there is also a bigger goal which he has firmly in his sights. For Liam, the ultimate dream would be to retire in the next decade.

While that would seem an impossible task for most people, Liam is not most people.

His children keep him motived to do the best that he can – and being able to provide for them while doing something that he enjoys fuels him to continue working tirelessly.

Core habits

Liam is mostly known for his mellow approach to music, as well as his melodic style of piano playing.

But the piano is not the only instrument Liam likes to play, he is also a self-taught drummer and has played the drums in a backing band for two local rap groups in his late teens that went on to tour and do a few TV performances.

Without a doubt, behind any successful person is a sold routine filled with core habits.

Liam has to work around the schedules of his children, so after doing the school runs he has the time during the school day to get his work done. Anything else is very family orientated.

With such a hectic lifestyle, he knows that every minute counts and he never wastes a moment.

Valuable lessons

But along the way during his journey so far, Liam has also learned many crucial lessons. The biggest lesson that he has learned is to always be willing to learn your trade.

After taking a few years off from music, he realised there are kids in school producing hits, so he had to brush up on the latest software, sounds and styles of music.

If Liam could give his 10-year-old self a message he would say follow your dreams in whatever it is that you want to do – and that 9 to 5 jobs are not for everyone, so go and find something you are good at and work, work, work until you are the best at it.

Family first

While Liam has a tremendous amount of focus on his career, his family always comes first.

His biggest success personally to date is having his children and being in a stable position to spend as much time with them as possible.

However, professionally he feels the best is yet to come with a few releases coming out this year, which he hopes will be his biggest success to date.

While he does spend much of his time on his career, Liam also fully understands the importance of setting aside free time for your passions. His passions in his free time are spending time with his children, listening to a lot of music, going to concerts when it was allowed and running daily.

People always have a turning point in their life that they never forget. For Liam, that was when he was able to quit his 9 to 5 job and support his family from an online business.

This is a truly outstanding achievement and there will certainly be many more to come.

Follow Liam on Instagram @LiamDineen, on Facebook at or on YouTube via

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