Semaj the Poet is Taking the Hip Hop Industry by Storm

Vallejo, California artist Semaj the Poet has been surrounded by music ever since his early childhood. Semaj grew up with his father playing the piano and got his love for music from him. Taking after his dad, Semaj learned piano and later took up choir and rapping in high school. Semaj ultimately started his rapping career in high school after an English project, where he played the piano and rapped at the same time for the project. From that moment on, he knew that he was destined to have a career in the music industry.

Making it big in the hip hop industry is a challenging feat for anyone, no matter how talented they are. Semaj knows how difficult it is, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of pursuing his dreams. This young artist has done everything in his career thus far independently, and he prides himself on that. He and his team have put together a plan and are in the process of executing it to its full potential.

Semaj the Poet has new music that is dropping next year. It’s a mix of what he calls “Wavy” and “Groovy.” Semaj has two distinct writing styles that will both be on his new project. “Why not give the world both styles!” says Semaj.

Semaj the Poet is an artist that will be on everyone’s radar soon. With his hard work and determination, nothing will stand in his way from taking the hip hop industry by storm. Keep an eye out as the young artist has already started making moves in the hip hop industry to set himself up for an illustrious 2021.

Follow Semaj the Poet on Instagram here.

Stream Semaj the Poet’s music on Spotify here.

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