Paul Gerard Parker: Harnessing the Power of Failure

At just 22-years-old, Paul Gerard Parker’s (@paulparker) success leaves many scratching their heads. He is the co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Project Wifi, an eCommerce management company that manages close to $19 million in assets and founded Hue Digital LLC, a highly successful social media marketing company. But like any entrepreneur, Parker has faced his fair share of adversity.

While many entrepreneurs allow setbacks to drag them down, Parker chooses to view adversity in a positive light.

“Bad things and difficult times are going to happen, that’s 100% guaranteed. How you react to those situations is the deciding factor in the outcome. As long as you keep your head on straight and in the game, you’ll win every time,” said Parker.

Parker doesn’t fear failure, he instead looks at it as an opportunity to learn.

“Failure teaches you a lot and as long as you make those mistakes quickly and learn from them, you’re golden,” said the entrepreneur.

When problems arise, Parker stresses the importance of working smarter rather than harder. He doesn’t let small problems distract from his mission to grow his businesses to their full potential. He stays calm, solves one problem at a time, and always keeps his end goals in mind.

Through the many challenges Parker encounters, he manages to stay motivated through his incredible team.

“Teamwork is everything. You can feed off each other’s motivation. Finding people that understand one thing but have experience in another is key, therefore everyone has something unique to bring to the table,” said Parker.

The promising entrepreneur built his team after realizing the incredible success of selling products on Amazon, partnering with fellow entrepreneurs Marcello Cantu, Andy Ta Kong, and Mohammed Shakaoat to form Project Wifi.

The eCommerce management company has been able to scale their business to seven figures, which Parker credits to teamwork.

“A one-man show rarely survives in the long run. Finding a mentor that can teach the ins and outs of running a business is a huge help as well,” said Parker.

Parker recognizes that many aspiring entrepreneurs never start in business because they are unsure of where to start and are afraid to fail. He encourages anyone looking to get into eCommerce to slowly build their business one piece at a time.

“A lot of people get overwhelmed because they think of the business on a huge scale. If you break it down and take it one step at a time, not only will it be efficient but it allows you to develop a more thorough understanding of your business,” said Parker.

His greatest piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to develop a great work ethic and to not focus on setbacks.

“Work hard and don’t lose focus on the reason you started. Bad things will happen, how you react will define the outcome,” said Parker.

To keep up with Parker and his flourishing businesses, be sure to follow him @paulparker.

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