Meet Thriving Entrepreneur and founder of KO Elixir & Ko Bodyshape: Keenan Williams

For all the marketer’s social media is a tool which has helped them grow more useful from the past two to three years. Social Media and online marketing give you a wide range of public for products. So you can try your luck in many countries from your home.

We spotted one digital Entrepreneur Keenan Williams, who we feel is doing an excellent job in his business by utilizing social media in his work. Keenan’s journey is an inspirational one; he started with a job as a sketcher who used to earn around $2500 and live a stable life. But there was something which was lacking in life, which was real growth according to her talent. 

While doing a job as a sketcher sales associate in a Warehouse he always wanted to do something big in this field. As he was full of ideas so he took a risk to start him venture name KO Elixir & Ko Bodyshape a skin care company.

He built a company for women who are looking for chic products at a fair price. Keenan’s products help women remove stretch marks and cellulite, from waist slimming and buttocks. Keenan products are so reliable that he started to receive amazing responses from worldwide. His strategy of social media marketing worked for him and in first year Keenan earned more than seven figure income from his business.

Being a sketcher he showed his skills in job and that helped in his business too. What added to his business is online marketing knowledge, he shooted at the right time at the right place which helped him gain so much in two years’ time.

For William life was not easy as he was constantly facing personal problems in life. His cousin was injured severely, his mom got a stroke. He has passed through a tough time in life. But as we say doers never fail in life. He did affiliate marketing jobs for skin care products where he was a sales coordinator. You can see that job has helped William grow as a better salesperson and a businessman too. Because he is able to understand the mindset of people and he knows what people need from skincare products.

2018 August was the time where his life changed when he dared to start his KO Elixir & Ko Bodyshape from his two bedroom apartment and now in no time he has grown at a rapid speed by having a warehouse in florida for his products.

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